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HomeLead and Leather

Lead and Leather

Women’s Shooting Club

Contact: Pamela Brawley


Phone: (505)-320-2338


Contact: Rachelle Adams


Phone: (505)419-3470


Contact: Jan Burton


Phone: (505)320-5246


Contact: Lorna Eagle


Phone: (505) 258-9015


Do you want to be more comfortable with handling your firearm or want more
practice time? Are you a beginner who has never shot before? Are you simply
interested in firearms? We are here for you. Established by women shooters for
women shooters, we aim to educate gun safety, basic pistol knowledge, shooting
skills, gun cleaning, home safety and situational awareness in a safe and fun
learning environment.

We have monthly meetings and monthly live shooting practice at San Juan
Wildlife Federation, located at 5652 US-64, Farmington, NM 87410. Our schedule
is posted on San Juan Wildlife Federation’s website ( You can also follow
us on Facebook for upcoming events/schedule.

You are welcome to attend for free, as an observer only, up to two times before
deciding to join the club. More details available in the meetings.